Technology Use in Irish Schools

Technology Use in Irish Schools

Some time ago Catherine Cronin, academic coordinator of online IT programmes and lecturer in IT at the National University of Ireland, Galway, asked me to take part in a video showcasing technology being used in Irish classrooms. Along with a number of other Irish...
A Day Made of Glass 2

A Day Made of Glass 2

I attended a workshop given by John Heffernan at the recent ICT in Education Conference in the Thurles campus of LIT on “A Brief History of the Near Future” where he looked at predictions of what the technologies of the future might look like. One of the...
The Rocky Road to Poland

The Rocky Road to Poland

The Euro 2012 Soccer Championships are nearly upon us and excitement will be mounting towards Ireland’s opening game against Croatia on June 10th. The Ray D’Arcy Show on Today FM asked listeners to suggest lines for the official Euro 2012 song for the...

Operation Godwit

I must admit that I’d never heard of a Godwit before, so when I received an email from Willie McSweeney from Scoil Iosaef Naofa, an all boys’ school in Cobh, Co. Cork, my first reaction was that this was yet another spam email amongst the hundreds of other that...

iPods and iPads Helping Autistic Pupils

Thanks to Joe Dale on Twitter for alerting me to this video from USA showing how one school is reporting success using iPods and iPads with autistic pupils in school. How IPODS & IPADS Help Autistic Kids :… RegisterThis content is for members...

Make A Martian

Around Hallowe’en I became aware of an iPod app through Twitter (through Mary Farmer who will be attending this year’s CESI National Conference) called Make a Martian. It’s a really simple app to use and the pupils loved it. They quickly discovered...