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Number 29 Facts

Number 29 Facts

This poster resource consists of a set of 21 posters relating to facts about the number 29. As this year is a Leap Year, with an extra day occurring on February 29th, it would be an opportune time for pupils to learn a few interesting facts connected to the number 29....
Addition Facts Posters

Addition Facts Posters

This set of posters focuses on drawing pupils’ attention to number facts associated with the numbers 0 – 10. Each of the eleven posters features a large colourful digit, with number bonds associated with that digit printed on top. This set of posters would...
Maths Alphabet (Junior)

Maths Alphabet (Junior)

This resource consists of a visual alphabetic maths display of maths items and terminology, aimed at pupils in junior classes. There are 62 posters for display – there is more than one item for some letters of the alphabet, so the teacher can decide which one to...