by admin | Feb 25, 2024 | Maths, Spring
This poster resource consists of a set of 21 posters relating to facts about the number 29. As this year is a Leap Year, with an extra day occurring on February 29th, it would be an opportune time for pupils to learn a few interesting facts connected to the number 29....
by admin | Feb 14, 2022 | Infants, Maths, Number
This set of posters focuses on drawing pupils’ attention to number facts associated with the numbers 0 – 10. Each of the eleven posters features a large colourful digit, with number bonds associated with that digit printed on top. This set of posters would...
by admin | Oct 10, 2021 | 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, Hallowe'en, Infants, Maths, Shape & Space
With Hallowe’en gradually approaching, teachers will be planning ahead for the theme of Hallowe’en with their pupils in the classroom. This pack of Spooky 2D Shapes display posters should be appealing to pupils and get them to engage with learning the names of...
by admin | Oct 7, 2021 | 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, Hallowe'en, Infants, Maths, Shape & Space
Now that we’re into October, teachers will be planning ahead for the theme of Hallowe’en with their pupils in the classroom. This pack of Spooky 2D Shapes display posters should be appealing to pupils and get them to engage with learning the names of various 2D...
by admin | Oct 7, 2021 | 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Infants, Maths, Photo Packs, Shape & Space
This display resource is aimed at assisting pupils in realising that 2D shapes are all around us in the environment. The 34 display posters in each pack show a variety of shapes in our environment. There are three English and three Gaeilge versions of this resource....
by admin | May 27, 2019 | 1st/2nd, Infants, Maths, Maths
This resource consists of a visual alphabetic maths display of maths items and terminology, aimed at pupils in junior classes. There are 62 posters for display – there is more than one item for some letters of the alphabet, so the teacher can decide which one to...