Kitchen Safety

Signs for the school kitchen to alert pupils to safety when doing a cooking lesson. (.pdf file 318KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Kitchen Utensils

Signs for the school kitchen or classroom to teach pupils the names of kitchen utensils being used when doing a cooking lesson. This resource is in two separate files. (.doc file  713KB) Download File A (.doc file 906KB) Download File B… Log In RegisterThis content is...

Our School Community

Headings for a school noticeboard about the different people in “Our School Community”. (.pdf file 42.2KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Our Cookery Lessons

Header for the recipe noticeboard in either the classroom or the school. (.pdf file 155KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Good Manners

Posters with three phrases with which all pupils should be familiar: “Please”, “Thank You” and “I’m Sorry”. (.pdf file 47KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Thinking Chair

Two posters for a “Thinking Chair” in the classroom, a chair to give pupils some “time out” to reflect on their behaviour in class. (.pdf file 56.3KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...