Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

This resource is made up of promotional posters for nineteen fictional movies. The resource can be used in lots of different ways. Pupils could be asked to give an oral presentation outlining the plot in the movie. They could be asked to do a written movie review...
Euro Coins

Euro Coins

These small posters show all of the Irish Euro coins that are available. They may be useful for the teaching of money in junior classes. (.pdf file 227 KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...
Camping Groups

Camping Groups

This resource consists of group names when working on a camping theme in the classroom. It may especially be useful if doing a camping theme for Aistear work in junior classes. There are signs for six groups featuring a tent border. (.pdf file 206 KB) Download File…...
Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

Some pupils may have difficulty comprehending the meaning behind figures of speech used in language. They will tend to take the meaning literally and not understand the figurative nature of the idiom. There are eight posters in this set which visually display some...
At the Hairdresser Group Names 03

At the Hairdresser Group Names 03

This resource consists of group names when working on a hairdresser theme in the classroom. It may especially be useful if doing a hairdresser theme for Aistear work in junior classes. There are signs for six groups featuring a hairdryer border. (.pdf file 910 KB)...
At the Dentist Group Names 03

At the Dentist Group Names 03

This resource consists of group names when working on a dentist theme in the classroom. It may especially be useful if doing a dentist theme for Aistear work in junior classes. There are signs for six groups featuring a tooth shape. (.pdf file 420 KB) Download File…...