Newspaper Advertisements from the Past

This is a Powerpoint presentation looking at newspaper advertisements from Irish newspapers in the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. It could be used for the media education strand in SPHE. It could also be used as a discussion starter to compare life in Ireland years ago...

Cad Atá sa Mhála?

Cur i láthair Powerpoint le rann bheag a leanúint: “Lámh isteach, Pioc amach, Tá _____ sa Mhála”. (comhad .ppt 3.69MB) Foinse: Mark Finlay Íoslódáil an Comhad… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Editing a Draft

Writing a first draft and editing it are component parts of the writing process in the Write-A-Book Project. The First Draft is sometimes known as a “Sloppy Copy” because it can sometimes get a little messy as editing and re-drafting is in process. This Powerpoint is...

Authors’ Circles

Authors’ Circles are a component part of the process of the Write-A-Book Project. At a certain point in the writing process, pupils split up into authors’ circles to share some of their written work and ask their peers for suggestions on how their written work could...