Seomra Ranga does not maintain any of the web sites provided as links so it assumes no responsibility for their contents, nor does any link constitute an endorsement of any other site, its sponsor or its contents. These links are just suggestions of websites that teachers may wish to visit to compliment their classroom teaching. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual teacher or school to determine whether the links provided are suitable for children to visit.
- Eco detectives – introduce pupils to Climate Change and the Environment
- Topography Games – links to lots of Geography-themed games
- IWB Geography Resources – geography flipcharts
- Met Éireann – acmhainní aimsire as Gaeilge ó Met Éireann
- Met Éireann – weather resources for primary school
- Edware– Irish software company which sells the hugely popular “Know Your Ireland”, “Know Your Europe” and “Know Your USA” software programmes. There are also some online games to play on the site as well as a trial version of a money game suitable for use with an IWB
Exploring Ireland – online information and activities on Ireland: counties, rivers, landmarks and environment
Geoschol – free resources to teach geology in schools
Ireland Counties Game – online games for learning the counties of Ireland from OSI (Ordnance Survey Ireland)
Kids Geography – learn all about the earth and the atmosphere
Ireland’s Islands – explore all of Ireland’s islands
Daft.ie Maps – online map of Ireland
Áras Kids – the Official Website of the President of Ireland for Kids
Something Fishy – the story of Bradán
IPCC – Irish Peatland Conservation Council – contains information on bogs in the classroom
World Flags – database of flags of all the countries of the world
Defenders of the Wildlife – Kids’ Planet – includes “The web of life” story told by a spider, games and colouring pages