Seomra Ranga does not maintain any of the web sites provided as links so it assumes no responsibility for their contents, nor does any link constitute an endorsement of any other site, its sponsor or its contents. These links are just suggestions of websites that teachers may wish to visit to compliment their classroom teaching. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual teacher or school to determine whether the links provided are suitable for children to visit.
- Fire Safety 4 Kids – simple but clear with fire saftey rules and quiz
- IWB SPHE Resources – SPHE flipcharts
- Aqua Attack – water safety resources and activities from IWS
- Bullying – Drama Workshop on the theme of bullying
- Sneeze Safe – online interactive games and activities on the correct usage of tissues to prevent the spread of germs
- Safety Centre – Personal safety worksheets – a series of printable worksheets based on safety in a number of different everyday situations
- Food Dudes – Healthy Eating Programme promoted by An Bord Bia
- Development Education Ireland – dealing with the topics of human rights, justice, equality and inequality, race, poverty, exclusion, disadvantage, discrimination and many other issues
- Walk Tall – SPHE Programme for the prevention of Substance Misuse
- Stay Safe Programme
- Anti-Bullying Centre, Trinity College, Dublin
- Unicef Ireland
- Nutrition Explorations
- Kids Health
- Cool Food Planet – healthy eating