Messages from the Presidential Candidates

Messages from the Presidential Candidates

I recently contacted all seven of the Presidential candidates, explaining a little about Seomra Ranga and the work it does. I informed them that I was planning to do an article which would allow all the presidential candidates a chance to address the teachers of...
iPod Apps in the Classroom

iPod Apps in the Classroom

  Two weeks back at school and everyone is back into the routine again. I’ve kept on my last year’s Rang II and have nine new additions to make a RangII/III split class. Of course one of the first things they were delighted to be back in school about was the use of...
3M Roadwise Interactive Website

3M Roadwise Interactive Website

I just discovered this website today and quickly could see how this would be of huge benefit to the primary school classroom. The website is sponsored by the multinational 3M which makes, among other things, reflective clothing for the emergency services, construction...

ICT Advisors

As many teachers will already know, the government in its wisdom decided that one of the first cutbacks in the present economic difficulties would be to axe the ICT Advisor service with effect from this coming September. All the advisors who are on secondment from...