Shop Complaints

Shop Complaints

This is the first in a new set of drama resources for the classroom. The 20 cards in the resource provide scenarios for role play/improvisation in the classroom. Each card provides a scenario for a customer making a complaint in a shop. The role play could involve...
New Drama Resources

New Drama Resources

While we have been busy in the background for the past few months working on the revamp of the website, I’ve also been busily creating lots of new resources for the site. One area which I identified as needing some new resources was the area of drama. This is...
BGE Student Theatre Awards

BGE Student Theatre Awards

Now in it’s 4th year, the Bord Gáis Energy Student Theatre Awards gives students, teachers and schools a chance to be recognised and rewarded for their participation in the dramatic arts. There are lots of budding actors, singers, dancers, choreographers and writers...
Guest Post: DabbleDoo Primary Music Resource

Guest Post: DabbleDoo Primary Music Resource

A New Method For Music Education In 2008 I created a new system of music notation as part of a Masters in Music and Media Technology in Trinity College Dublin. My aim was to create a type of musical notation that could be used and understood by everyone, regardless of...