The Musical Elements

The Musical Elements

This new music poster resource is aimed at explaining to pupils what the nine Elements of Music are. There are eleven posters in the resource with each poster explaining clearly what is the meaning behind each element is. The elements explained in the resource are:...
Create a Book From One Page

Create a Book From One Page

Pupils love to create books of their own, using them as a way of presenting their own work. The video below shows how to make an eight-page book from one sheet of paper. This can be done using A4 or A3 sized paper or it can even be done with a large sheet of cartridge...
Cartoon Capers

Cartoon Capers

This visual arts resource looks at Onomatopoeic language used in Cartoons and Comic Strips. It explains how cartoonists use Onomatopoeia so that words not only describe the action but also sound like it too. This 33 poster pack gives visual illustrations of...
Maker Space Equipment Word Mat

Maker Space Equipment Word Mat

If you are designating a specific “Maker Space” area in the classroom for work on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) activities, this word mat may be useful. It serves as a useful list of items that might be included in your Maker Space Area. It also...
Maker Space Heading

Maker Space Heading

There’s an increasing awareness of and emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) and STEAM-related activities in the classroom. With this in mind, teachers may be designating a specific “Maker Space” area in the classroom for...