Autism Links

Autism Links

Together with a colleague, I’m embarking on the daunting task of setting up and teaching in a class for pupils with autism in my school this September. We’re filled with a sense of excitement and nervousness as we start on the road to creating something...
Guest Post: Autistic and Proud

Guest Post: Autistic and Proud

I just came across this blog, Autistic and Proud, in the past few months and have been eagerly reading all the articles since. In my opinion, the blog is unique in that it is written by Fionn Hamill, a twelve year old boy with Aspergers (“aspies” as he...
World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), an annual event to raise awareness among the public of Autism and to promote early detection and early intervention of the condition. On December 18, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 62/139,...

Autism and Me

To mark World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), I’m publishing this video called “Autism and Me”. It explains about Autism for the general public from the perspective of a teenager…. RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...
Free eBook: Pressure Points on Irish Families

Free eBook: Pressure Points on Irish Families

It’s thanks again to Twitter (Mary Foskin AKA @m2thefizzle) that I became aware of this free ebook, Pressure Points on Irish Families, that is primarily aimed at families, but I’m sure many teachers would also welcome delving into. Written by Prof. Michael...