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Same & Different Sorting 02

Same & Different Sorting 02

This resource is aimed at pupils in junior classes or pupils with speech and language difficulties. Categorisation/sorting is an important skill for younger/SEN pupils to develop. This resource aims to develop categorisation skills as well as to encourage oral...
Clothes Matching 01

Clothes Matching 01

This resource is aimed at pupils in junior classes or SEN pupils with speech and language difficulties. It assumes an ability to read. The clothes vocabulary would also need to be taught in advance. The clothes teaching cards can be found HERE. Its aim is to assess...
Colour Match-Up 02

Colour Match-Up 02

This resource focuses on ordinal numbers and positional language which can pose some difficulties for younger pupils and SEN pupils. The pack includes five worksheets based on clothes for pupils to practise these essential skills. Objects to be coloured are hats,...
Maths Sentence Builders: Hats

Maths Sentence Builders: Hats

These maths sentence builder activities, featuring winter hats, are suitable for younger pupils and special needs pupils who are starting on early number activities. It teaches left to right orientation, number recognition and addition. They deal with the addition of...
Clothes 02

Clothes 02

43 Classroom posters for display on the theme of clothes. They are especially suitable for infant classes as they contain just the illustration of the item of clothing without any text labels. (.pdf file 13.1MB Large file!) Download File… RegisterThis content is...