An Bosca Leabharlainne

An Bosca Leabharlainne

Áine Ní Ghlinn, the current Laureate na n-Óg, has pioneered a new project aimed at encouraging primary school pupils to read as Gaeilge for pleasure. With this in mind, in partnership with Foras na Gaeilge and the Arts Council, she has launched “An Bosca...
Tasc-Chártaí – Focail Chontrártha (Free Version)

Tasc-Chártaí – Focail Chontrártha (Free Version)

This new set of Tasc-Chártaí as Gaeilge is aimed at pupils in middle/senior classes. The cards are intended to be used as a fun game/task to assist in vocabulary development and in the consolidation of pupils’ knowledge of Contrárthaí. There are 16 cards in this FREE...