Guest Post: Reading – A Gift For Life

Guest Post: Reading – A Gift For Life

Reading for pleasure – it’s a no-brainer, really, isn’t it? It’s so obvious that it’s a really great thing to encourage children to read, I nearly feel a bit sheepish saying it. It’s like motherhood and apple pie. Who could be against it? (Bang-bang, you’re dead. When...
Guest Post: Subbing – A Way of Life

Guest Post: Subbing – A Way of Life

My dream has always been to work in education. I love learning, I love exploring, imagining, discovering. When I graduated into the primary sector I began to dream about my classroom: What will it look like? What will the pupils be like? The school? All sorts of...
Guest Post: Infants and ICT

Guest Post: Infants and ICT

ICT is not a formal subject in Irish Primary Schools, it is not included in the Curriculum timetable. However it plays a major part in school life, both for the teacher and for the students. It is used in various forms, in every subject and at all levels. Many 4/5...
Guest Post – Class Dojo

Guest Post – Class Dojo

Nigel Lane teaches in St. Corban’s BNS, in Naas, Co. Kildare. He is very interested in technology and is a regular contributor on blogs and on Twitter. Earlier this year, he co-authored a book called “Diary of the Tweople”, a Twitter user’s...