by admin | Apr 4, 2013 | Apps
Math Race is a good app for the consolidation of maths tables. The Lite version of the app covers all four mathematical operations. In the game, the pupil is presented with a sum and they are given four possible answers to the sum. They have to select the correct...
by admin | Apr 3, 2013 | Apps
Lets Tans is a game based on the Chinese Tangram puzzles. This game is great for the promotion of 2D shapes, spatial awareness and problem-solving. Any teacher that has the physical puzzle in the classroom will know that some pupils will love it and some will hate it....
by admin | Apr 2, 2013 | Apps
NxtApp 4 Kids is what the Washington Post called “the perfect app for mental math”. This app focuses on number sequences where the pupil has to complete the sequence. There are four numbers in each sequence and the missing number is usually either in the middle or at...
by admin | Apr 1, 2013 | Apps
Pop Math is a really simple maths game that pupils take to readily and enjoy thoroughly, and because of this enjoyment they won’t realise that they are learning at all. In this game, the pupil is presented with three maths questions and three answers, which are all...
by admin | Mar 31, 2013 | Apps
Phonto is a free app that is used for overlaying text onto a photograph or image. There are more than 200 different fonts available on the app to choose from and others can also be added using your iTunes account. (although I haven’t tried this). The text can...