Hokusai App

Hokusai App

I’m not aware of any apps in the iTunes App Store that will record audio and allow it to be saved as an .mp3 file, which is probably the most widely accessible audio file format. However, I heard about the Hokusai app from Joe Dale on Twitter earlier this year....
Teaching Appz

Teaching Appz

Through the Zite magazine app on my iPad, I came across Teaching Appz, a new website with recommendations of mobile apps for teachers and schools. This website comes from the same website stable as Teaching News and Teaching Ideas. The site gives a short review of...
Ó Chrann Go Crann

Ó Chrann Go Crann

Ó Chrann Go Crann (From Tree to Tree) is a new bi-lingual story app told in English and Gaeilge within the one app. Because it is rare to see any apps in the Irish language, I was interested to see what this app was like. Written by Caitríona Hastings, the story is...
Adobe Photoshop Express App

Adobe Photoshop Express App

The Adobe Photoshop App is a handy little app for manipulating photos and creating some special effects. However, my class used this app when we were doing a unit of work on Andy Warhol and Pop Art. You can import a photo from your camera roll and using the special...
Jackson Pollock App

Jackson Pollock App

Your pupils can get creative and paint abstract paintings in the style of the great artist Jackson Pollock using this app . Use your finger to apply the paint and turn your iPod to make the paint drip. You can choose from a range of individual colours or from colour...