Flickr Lunes Using iPod Touches

Flickr Lunes Using iPod Touches

Writing some poetry was a theme in our English work during the past couple of weeks with my class of seven, eight and nine year olds. We had written some cinquains and octopoems to a greater or lesser degree of success. Co-incidentally, at the same time I read a blog...
Using iPods in the Classroom

Using iPods in the Classroom

Those of you who follow this blog will know that my class and I are involved in a pilot project looking at how iPod Touches can be of an educational benefit in Irish primary school classrooms. This project has been organised by Sligo Education Centre in association...
iPod Apps in the Classroom

iPod Apps in the Classroom

  Two weeks back at school and everyone is back into the routine again. I’ve kept on my last year’s Rang II and have nine new additions to make a RangII/III split class. Of course one of the first things they were delighted to be back in school about was...
Learning With iPods in the Classroom

Learning With iPods in the Classroom

Since receiving my class set of iPods on loan through the pilot project organised by Sligo Education Centre and Apple Ireland, I’ve had a chance to think about and observe in a short space of time how they have had an effect on the teaching and learning that...
Learning With iPods in the Classroom

iPod Touches – the Classroom Set-Up

    For anyone contemplating introducing iPod Touches into the classroom, the following is a brief summary of what the set-up in the classroom involves. For starters, the iPods themselves are the entry model 8GB version which we have been assured is more than...