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Book Review: My First Book of Irish Wildlife

Book Review: My First Book of Irish Wildlife

“My First Book of Irish Wildlife” by O’Brien Press, is an engaging hardback book aimed at introducing young children to the wonderful world of Irish Wildlife. Amazing wildlife living so close, they can be found in their own garden. Filled with beautiful...
Geography of Ireland Table Quiz

Geography of Ireland Table Quiz

The Geography of Ireland Table Quiz, part of the forthcoming Geography of Ireland Resource Pack,  comprises eight rounds of six questions, a tie-break round, and answers to all questions on 131 Powerpoint slides. It could be used as a form of assessment after...
Blasphemy Referendum

Blasphemy Referendum

The government is holding a referendum on the removal of the reference to Blasphemy from the Constitution this Friday, October 26th. This display resource is designed to assist in explaining this referendum to pupils in senior classes. The resource explains the...