by admin | Oct 23, 2010 | 5th/6th, Class Novel
Benny, the sports-mad, carefree lad whose adventures in Tunisia have convinced him that he can take on the world, suffers a severe blow to his pride when he meets Babe. He may be a wise guy, but she is at least three steps ahead of him. And he’s on her...
by admin | Oct 23, 2010 | 5th/6th, Class Novel
The year is 1914 and Amelia Pim will soon be thirteen. There are rumours of war and rebellion, and Dublin is holding its breath for major, dramatic events. But all that matters to Amelia is what she will wear to her birthday party and how she can be the envy of her...
by admin | Oct 23, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
Where would you find talking snails, fighting queens, Welsh witches and winter sunflowers? In stories, of course, and that’s why Juliet loves them. On a holiday in France, Juliet hears lots of stories — from her grandmother and from the toymaker who sells...
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
When the farm cat warns Runtling the pig of his approaching fate, he realises that the trip to market is one which he must avoid at all costs and he rushes off to warn his long-lost siblings of the danger. Together the thirteen pigs escape and make their way across...
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
John’s grandfather Old Dan, refuses to leave his farm on Plover Hill, even when the valley around it is flooded and it becomes an island. The only sensible option is for John to move in there with him. When their idyllic lifestyle and the rich wildlife of the...