by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
Charlie would love a bike, but his family cannot afford one. Then he manages to assemble a strange-looking bike from old bits and pieces — not exactly cool, but full of character. In fact, so full of character that it almost begins to develop a life of its own!...
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
When Mr Curry the headmaster announces The Great Gazebo is coming to visit the school, Albert’s big sister Fionnuala tells him awful tales of the powers of magicians, especially over seven-year-old boys. ‘They appear in a cloud of smoke and red sparks and...
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 3rd/4th, Class Novel
Adam’s Starling tells the story of a nine year old boy who is finding life difficult. At home, no-one has any time for him. At school things are even worse – a gang of bullies has singled Adam out for punishment. Life is becoming increasingly difficult for Adam....
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 1st/2nd, Class Novel
When NESSIE arrives from Scotland to visit her monster cousin NOBLETT there is bound to be trouble. Noblett loves his peaceful secret garden and has little time for his troublesome cousin from Loch Ness. This book by Sam Mc Bratney is aimed at younger pupils....
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | 1st/2nd, Class Novel
Laurence is a leprechaun who has been small for 1100 years and is sick of it! He wants to be TALL. He wants to be cool. Then he meet Phoebe, a large girl who wants to be small. When she invites him to live in her house, Laurence is delighted. He starts wearing jeans...