Ed’s Funny Feet

Ed’s Funny Feet

Ed Cooper has a problem with his big toes. The doctor says Ed needs ‘correction shoes’. Disaster! Everybody will laugh at him. Ed uses every trick he can think of not to wear the shoes. He even tries DIY foot-straighteners! But it’s no use. The shoes...

Ed’s Bed

Poor Ed Cooper seems to have one problem after another. From Going Potty to Ed’s Funny Feet, Ed’s life is never boring. This time around Ed is having problems in school, he just can’t get his head around his time-tables. At home things are bad too...

Don’t Open That Box

Two boxes — one large, one small — arrive for Granny Lambert. But wily Belzoni, her cat, sees the note printed on the small box that reads: Don’t Open that Box, Open this one first! Unfortunately Granny doesn’t notice the sign and opens the big...

The Big Fight

A terrible war rages in Ireland — over the Great Brown Bull of Cooley. Cúchulainn, the young Ulster super hero, fights off many warriors — even the magical Morrígan. In the end he has to face his friend, Ferdia. Will Cúchuliann have to kill him? And what...

Alfie Green and the Magical Gift

A rusty key opens a dusty box hidden in Alfie’s grandad’s shed. Inside is an old, old book — with magical powers. The book promises Alfie a gift, but first he must take the crystal flower across Sleepy Meadows full of Snapping Dragons to the crooked...