

This presentation explains what pangrams are (sentences using each of the 26 letters of the alphabet at least once); why they are important/interesting; who uses them; what a perfect pangram is; lots of examples of pangrams. At the end of the presentation, there is...
Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Seo cur i láthair Powerpoint faoi imeachtaí a thárla i rith Seachtain na Cásca 1916. Tá eolas ann faoi imeachtai roimh 1916; an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda; eagraíochtaí a bhí páirteach; ceannairí a bhí páirteach; na daoine a cuireadh chun báis; tionchar agus éifeacht an...


The issue of the Lusitania is quite topical at the moment as May 7th this year marked the 100th anniversary of its sinking off the coast of Cork during World War I. This historical event precipitated the involvement of the US in the war. This Powerpoint resource gives...
Caring For Our World Quiz

Caring For Our World Quiz

This Powerpoint resource is a quiz on environmental sustainability which is suitable for 4th-6th classes. It was compiled by pupils of Glencullen NS as part of their Irish Aid Awards Project. Source: Kathleen Byrne (.ppt file 611 KB) Download File… RegisterThis...
Resources for St. Brigid’s Day

Resources for St. Brigid’s Day

The life of Saint Brigid is celebrated on February 1st. Brigid is regarded as Ireland’s female patron saint and is highly regarded for her spirituality and her service to the poor. The following resources may help your pupils learn about Brigid and her life. The...