Irish Mammals Research Projects Templates

Irish Mammals Research Projects Templates

This resource consists of templates for pupils to do a research project on mammals found in Ireland. It aims to create awareness of the variety of mammals found in Ireland. A two-page template for each of 20 mammals is included in the download. This resource promotes...
Blue Star Programme 2017/18

Blue Star Programme 2017/18

European Movement Ireland has announced that the Blue Star Programme will be running for its seventh year over the 2017-2018 school term and the registration process for interested primary schools across Ireland is now open! What is it? The Blue Star Programme is a...
#NollaigArScoil Twitter Project Review

#NollaigArScoil Twitter Project Review

After the unexpected success of the Hallowe’en Twitter Project (#SamhainArScoil), where so many schools Tweeted about what they were doing in their classrooms on the theme of Hallowe’en, we decided to follow this up with a Christmas-themed Twitter Project:...
#NollaigArScoil Twitter Project Review

Christmas Twitter Project

After the unexpected success of the Hallowe’en Twitter Project, where so many schools Tweeted about what they were doing in their classrooms on the theme of Hallowe’en, I immediately thought that such a Twitter project would be great to do at Christmas....
Hallowe’en Twitter Project

Hallowe’en Twitter Project

I’ve been so preoccupied with my own work at school, that I’d quite forgotten about organising the fifth Signs of Autumn Twitter Project this term. Given that Autumn is already well on the road and winter is gradually approaching, I thought that we might...