The Fight for Plover Hill

John’s grandfather Old Dan, refuses to leave his farm on Plover Hill, even when the valley around it is flooded and it becomes an island. The only sensible option is for John to move in there with him. When their idyllic lifestyle and the rich wildlife of the...

Charlie Harte and his Two-Wheeled Tiger

Charlie would love a bike, but his family cannot afford one. Then he manages to assemble a strange-looking bike from old bits and pieces — not exactly cool, but full of character. In fact, so full of character that it almost begins to develop a life of its own!...

Albert and the Magician

When Mr Curry the headmaster announces The Great Gazebo is coming to visit the school, Albert’s big sister Fionnuala tells him awful tales of the powers of magicians, especially over seven-year-old boys. ‘They appear in a cloud of smoke and red sparks and...
Trouble for Tuffy

Trouble for Tuffy

Mum goes out for the day and Dad is left in charge of twins Katie and Ted. That means anything could happen. Tuffy the dog tries to keep order. Katie and Ted play at dressing up. This is OK until they decide they need to go into Mum and Dad’s room. Tuffy knows...

The Lough Neagh Monster

When NESSIE arrives from Scotland to visit her monster cousin NOBLETT there is bound to be trouble. Noblett loves his peaceful secret garden and has little time for his troublesome cousin from Loch Ness. This book by Sam Mc Bratney is aimed at younger pupils....