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PE Stations

PE Stations

This pack contains twelve posters for use in the PE class. It shows cartoon images of children engaged in twelve different forms of physical activity eg. hopping, squats, running on the spot, touching toes, jumping jacks, trunk twists etc. It is suggested that all of...
Summer Themed PE Bingo

Summer Themed PE Bingo

This resource combines a PE lesson with a traditional game of bingo, but it is really active and is played in teams. The resource contains four sets of four games to play during a PE lesson. It is suggested that, in order to make this resource last in a PE setting,...
Book Review: Rugby Flyer

Book Review: Rugby Flyer

This is the fourth book in the series. If you’ve read ‘Rugby Spirit’, ‘Rugby Warrior’ or ‘Rugby Rebel’ then I’m sure you will love this book as well. But rest assured you do not need to read the others to enjoy Rugby...
Rugby Vocabulary

Rugby Vocabulary

It’s Six Nations season again and this resource consists of sixteen pages of flashcards with rugby vocabulary. There are three flashcards per page in an oval shape and in the green of Ireland! The pack also contains a display header. The vocabulary could be used...
GAA Launch New Teacher Resources

GAA Launch New Teacher Resources

The GAA has launched a number of resources for Primary School Teachers and Coaches. PE Céim ar Aghaidh is a Teaching Resource book designed to assist Primary School Teachers to deliver the Physical Educational curriculum through Gaelic games activities. It is the most...