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IPPEA Conference 2013

IPPEA Conference 2013

The Irish Primary PE Association (IPPEA) will hold its annual conference on Saturday March 2nd in St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. The theme of this year’s conference is “Let’s Get Moving” and a variety of workshops are...
Special Olympics and Paralympics

Special Olympics and Paralympics

This short Powerpoint presentation explains the history of the Special Olympics and Paralympics. Source: Edel Horan (.ppt file 365KB) Download File
Sports in Spain

Sports in Spain

Powerpoint resource which details the various sports that are popular in Spain including soccer, bullfighting, tennis, golf, skiing and Formula 1 racing. Source: Edel Horan (.ppt file 1.09MB) Download File
Ireland and the Olympics

Ireland and the Olympics

Powerpoint resource about famous Irish athletes who have competed in the history of the Olympics including Ronnie Delaney, Michael Carruth, Michelle Smith and Sonia O’ Sullivan. Source: Edel Horan (.ppt file 1.3MB) Download File
PE Games App

PE Games App

There are very few PE apps on the market suitable for the primary school teacher. However, today I saw a recommendation from Mr. Robbo on Twitter for the PE Games app which I downloaded. The app is full of lesson plans for games for the PE class. The lesson plans for...