On Yard Poster

On Yard Poster

This poster resource is to serve as a reminder to pupils before they go out to play on the yard what is expected of them in terms of their behaviour. The message is clear and simple with both words and visual cues that they are expected to have Kind Hands, Kind Feet...
Homelessness in the Classroom

Homelessness in the Classroom

This Thursday, October 10th, marks World Homeless Day. First marked in 2010, the purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to homeless people’s needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, while...
Cárta Stampaí

Cárta Stampaí

This free resource is a stamp collection card to be used as a classroom management technique and as a motivational tool. It’s one that I use effectively in my own classroom and gets pupils to buy into the idea of a token economy, that everything has a worth....
Classroom Poster

Classroom Poster

I recently came across this saying and thought that it would be most suitable in a classroom setting. As teachers discuss classroom rules with their new classes at the beginning of another academic year, this FREE resource would look well on the classroom wall. It...