Resources for Drama

Resources for Drama

Over the past year, as I have been creating new resources for the site, one area which I identified as needing some new resources was the area of drama. This is probably one curricular area in which lots of teachers need some support and the area in which they feel...
Classroom Timers

Classroom Timers

Classroom timers are a great tool for teachers in the classroom and pupils love them too. They are a great way to focus pupils on a particular task. They are also a great visual aid for pupils for those times when tasks or tests are timed. When teaching in the...
Primary Science Website

Primary Science Website

This week is Science Week, a chance for teachers to place an extra emphasis and focus on science-related activities. If you are stuck for ideas to mark the week there are lots of ideas on the Primary Science website. You can select a Strand or Strand Unit that you...
Maths Week 2017 Resources

Maths Week 2017 Resources

Maths Week Ireland 2017 takes place from October 14th to 22nd. Its aim is to focus on all things maths for one week in the year and for pupils to have fun engaging in maths activities so that they can have a more positive attitude to maths. It also aims to demonstrate...