Section 30, Teaching Council Act, 2001

Section 30, Teaching Council Act, 2001

The Teaching Council has been advised by the Department of Education and Skills (DES) that Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001 will be commenced in the coming school year. Section 30 provides that: A person who is employed as a teacher in a recognised...
Interview with Áine Lawlor, Teaching Council

Interview with Áine Lawlor, Teaching Council

Áine Lawlor graduated from Mary Immaculate College in 1969. She holds a B.A. from University College Dublin and was awarded a H.Dip.Ed., Dip.Ed.Admin. and M.A. (1st hons) from NUI Maynooth where she is currently undertaking a Ph.D. on continuing professional...
Teaching Council – Continuum of Teacher Education

Teaching Council – Continuum of Teacher Education

The Teaching  Council (An Chomhairle Mhúinteoireachta) has recently drafted a Policy Paper on the Continuum of Teacher Education, which will provide the framework within which it will implement its functions relating to teacher education. The draft policy paper deals...
Teaching Council Interview

Teaching Council Interview

A new addition to the new website will commence in January when a series of monthly interviews will be conducted with prominent figures in the field of education. The series will kick off with an interview with Áine Lawlor, Director of the Teaching Council. This is...