Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

I recently asked teachers/SNAs on Facebook to give me some examples of what they spend personal money on for their classroom. To say that I was amazed at the array of items listed would be an understatement. Of course I expected to see books, paper, pencils, paint...
Guest Post: Teach Anyway

Guest Post: Teach Anyway

This is an inspirational Guest Post for the beginning of a new year from Peter Lydon: Teachers, You will be told that your holidays are too long; teach anyway. You will be told that you must raise standards even though you always aim to get the best out of your kids;...
Arts in Education Charter Launched

Arts in Education Charter Launched

The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan TD, and the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, have jointly launched an Arts in Education Charter. This Charter places new responsibilities on Government Departments, agencies, cultural...
Scratch Competition

Scratch Competition

Scratch is a visual programming language that makes it easy to create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art and share these creations on the web. It is a fun and interesting way to introduce software development to pupils. Originally developed by the...