Aip Seachtain na Gaeilge 2014

Aip Seachtain na Gaeilge 2014

Tá aip ar fáil i Siopa iTunes agus d’Android ar Google Play do Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2013. Leis an aip seo, is féidir leat cuarach a dhéanamh ar imeachtaí atá ar siúl i do cheantar féin agus páirt a ghlacadh i gceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge. Is féidir leat...
A Digital Response to the Class Novel

A Digital Response to the Class Novel

This resource was the presentation I gave to the Annual CESI (Computers in Education Society of Ireland) Conference in Galway on March 1st, 2014. The presentation was an attempt at demonstrating how technology could be used to provide a different, perhaps more...
Signs of Spring 2014 Twitter Project

Signs of Spring 2014 Twitter Project

It’s almost time again for our Signs of Spring Twitter project. This is our 3rd year of this event and it gives teachers and pupils a chance to look about and observe the signs of Spring in their environment. We already did a Signs of Autumn (#anfomhar) Twitter...