Edublog Awards 2013 Nominations

Edublog Awards 2013 Nominations

It’s that time of year again when the international Edublog Awards nominations are being sought. Having won the prestigious “Best Individual Blog” at the awards last year, it would be great if Seomra Ranga was in the running for that award again this...
Guest Post: Book Creator App

Guest Post: Book Creator App

If you use an iPad in your class, then spending €4.49 on the Book Creator App will be the best money you will spend. You should be warned that this will be a very enthusiastic review of an amazing app. Many schools I have spoken to about buying iPads are under a...
Guided Access Function on iOS

Guided Access Function on iOS

I was only recently made aware of the Guided Access function within the iOS settings on iPhone/iPod and iPad. This function allows the parent/teacher to lock the device on a single app and allows you to control which functions are available. We have recently begun to...
Sort it Out App

Sort it Out App

The Sort it Out app is a great app for getting pupils, especially younger pupils or those with special educational needs, to sort out a variety of objects in a fun and interesting way. In each section of the app, the pupil is presented with a range of objects at the...
Guest Post: Twitter Exit Tickets in the Classroom

Guest Post: Twitter Exit Tickets in the Classroom

Like many teachers, I kept one eye on Pinterest over the summer months for new ideas for my classroom. One that kept grabbing my attention was that of the ‘exit ticket’. It appeared in many formats, such as post-it notes and grids, but the one I decided to use was the...