Character Creation

This is a template to help pupils create characters for a story or book. It consists of a circle with four sections to be filled in to allow the pupil to get to know the character better before they commence the writing of the story. (.doc file 36.5KB) Download...

The Writing Book

Blueprints Primary English – The Writing Book Pie Corbett Stanley Thornes Publishers, Cheltenham, 1994 ISBN 0-7487-1709-9 98 Copymasters to help with different forms of writing…. RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...

Spelling Template

Four day grid to help pupils with learning tables, also includes the essential rules of “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check”. (.doc file 29KB) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...

Two Word Book Template

I came across this idea for stories on a piece of software for a special needs pupil and thought that it had value for everybody. The idea is that the pupil is not put off creating a story because they have to write “at least two pages”! In this case, they...