Signs of Autumn 2013 Twitter Project #anfomhar

Signs of Autumn 2013 Twitter Project #anfomhar

The first week of October saw us take part in our second “Signs of Autumn” Twitter Project (#anfomhar). We’ve already done successful projects on the Signs of Spring and Signs of Autumn last year so this was building on that success. This was a hastily organised...
Signs of Autumn 2013 Twitter Project

Signs of Autumn 2013 Twitter Project

The days are gradually closing in and the autumn weather is making its presence felt. That can only mean that it’s time for the “Signs of Autumn 2013 Twitter Project”. This will be the second autumn Twitter project and it was a great success last year. Many...
Signs of Spring Twitter Project

Signs of Spring Twitter Project

It’s time for another Twitter project to get your class organised to look about and observe the signs of Spring in their environment. We started off these projects last year with a Signs of Spring and Signs of Autumn Twitter project. It was felt that we did the...
Bring A Teacher To Twitter

Bring A Teacher To Twitter

I just came across this great new idea from Stephen Lockyer (@mrlockyer) in the UK where a campaign is afoot to get teachers currently using Twitter to recruit a colleague or fellow teacher to start using Twitter. Called Bring A Teacher To Twitter (using the hashtags...
Twitter in the Classroom

Twitter in the Classroom

I recently gave a talk to some teachers about using Twitter in the classroom and as a source of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the teacher. This is the presentation I put together for the talk. Some of it may be self-explanatory, but some points were...