Adam’s Starling

Adam’s Starling tells the story of a nine year old boy who is finding life difficult. At home, no-one has any time for him. At school things are even worse – a gang of bullies has singled Adam out for punishment. Life is becoming increasingly difficult for Adam....

Mad Grandad’s Wicked Pictures

Grandad and Lenny are trying to paint the living-room. But Grandad’s paint is very old and it’s gone quite strange. It has stripes and patterns in it….. At first it seems like fun to make pictures with this weird paint. Lenny calls his picture ‘Fang’ because it looks...

Mad Grandad and the Kleptoes

Have you ever wondered where the other sock goes, or those keys or your earring or pen? Grandad wonders that all the time. Things keep disappearing down the back of Grandad’s sofa — who, or what, has taken them? When Lenny and Grandad discover the Kleptoes...

Ed’s Bed

Poor Ed Cooper seems to have one problem after another. From Going Potty to Ed’s Funny Feet, Ed’s life is never boring. This time around Ed is having problems in school, he just can’t get his head around his time-tables. At home things are bad too...

The Big Fight

A terrible war rages in Ireland — over the Great Brown Bull of Cooley. Cúchulainn, the young Ulster super hero, fights off many warriors — even the magical Morrígan. In the end he has to face his friend, Ferdia. Will Cúchuliann have to kill him? And what...