Alfie Green and the Magical Gift

A rusty key opens a dusty box hidden in Alfie’s grandad’s shed. Inside is an old, old book — with magical powers. The book promises Alfie a gift, but first he must take the crystal flower across Sleepy Meadows full of Snapping Dragons to the crooked...

Alfie Green and the Fly-Trapper

Alfie’s house is invaded by flies. His fly-trap plant is too small to eat them all so the wise old plant uses magic to make it bigger. Then it gets BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER. Nothing is safe! Alfie decides the only place for the Giant Fly Trapper is in the...

Alfie Green and the Conker King

Alfie would love to win the School Conker Championship. But with Conor Hoolihan on his team and Whacker Walsh cheating all the time, he has no chance. He needs to find a Super Cracking Conker, and he needs to find one fast. Alfie must travel through the Skeleton Woods...

Alfie Green and the Bee-Bottle Gang

Alfie is in big trouble. He stopped Whacker Walsh and his gang from trapping bees in the park and now they are out to get him. What can he do? The wise old plant in the magical book comes up with a plan that sends Alfie back to Arcania in search of the Queen...

Alfie Green and a Sink Full of Frogs

Hundreds of tiny eyes peep up at Alfie Green from the sink in his garden. Frogs! Who invited them? And when the frogs tell their friends and relations about their great new swimming pool, the place is invaded. Alfie needs help — fast. This is a job for the magic...